Products: MapMyCloud


Total Clarity for your Cloud. Visualise and query your complete AWS infrastructure as you've never seen before.

Cloud deployments can be hard to manage. To be able to manage anything effectively you need to know what you have and how it interacts with other resources.

This is no easy task within Cloud deployments, Until now there has not been a way to visualize your resources and the relationships they have.

MapMyCloud can quickly generate three available topologies within a single AMI:
Have MapMyCloud up and running in just minutes by launching the Cloudformation template via AWS Marketplace here:


1) VPC and Network Topology: Creates a topology view of the following resources with embedded variables:

  • VPC's (Id, Name, CIDR, Region, Account)
  • Subnets (Id, Name, CIDR, Region, Account)
  • VPC Peers (Id, Name, Region, Account)

2) Instances, Security Groups and Rule Topology: Creates a topology view of the following resources with embedded variables:

  • EC2 instances (Id, Name, InstanceType, VPC, Region)
  • Security groups (Id, Name, Region)
  • Unique Security group rules (Id, Name, CIDR, Port, FullRule, Region)

3) Topology for resources that utilize Security Groups  (EC2 Instances, RDS, ELB, ALB) with embedded variables:

  • EC2 Instance (Id, Name, InstanceType, VPC, Region)
  • Security Group (Id, Name, Total Rules, CIDR Rules, SgRef Rules, TotalRules, Region)


Along with displaying all resources, each topology can present a myriad of different views based upon topology queries that you define:

  • Want to show all EC2 Instances and Security Groups that allow icmp, or access from no problem.
  • Want to show all VPC's that contain only 172.31 ranges, no problem.
  • Want to show all Security Groups that share a common rule, easy.
  • How about all Security Groups that are almost at their 50 rule limit, that's no problem either.

MapMyCloud is super easy to Install, Just launch the AMI inside or outside the AWS account you want to scan.

Connect to the AMI HTTPS landing page, attach a Read Only Role to the instance or enter a pair of Read Only Keys and select which topology to create.

A several hundred instance account can be scanned in under 30 seconds, leaving you a topology shown in it's entirety and ready for exploration.